Arduino LED matrix shield
15 Nov 2009I’ve finally got together all the pieces together to transform the mess of wires from my breadboard version of my twitterpop project into a nice reusable shield for my arduino. It’s only basic containing two 595 shift registers, and 8x8 common anode LED matrix and a few resistors but it does an admirable job. PCB designs and eagle files can be found on the twitterpop page. Thanks to the people at BatchPCB for doing a nice job on my PCB.
I’ve been waiting for a week or so to assemble this as I decided to order a fancy new Weller WS81 soldering iron to use rather than my aging 12W Weller 2012 which I’ve had for about 10 years, never has soldering been such a pleasure!
And in action (note the fancy base provided by oomlout):